Creative Writing

Its a known fact that Apostle Greg is a writer, having written and published over 22 books. He also maintains a blog that goes out to over 154 nations. But what most don't know is how he has encouraged others in writing and book publishing. He has a complete course on it in Legacy School.  He walks you through it step by step. This has helped inspire a large number of people to write books who never thought of it. 
"Iowa, the Land between two rivers, the place artists came to see the handiwork and creativity of God.  Let's move forward into our future and bring back this same creative flow again into our state.  Let us work together to see the Kingdom of God come and 150-year-old mandate of the Iowa Band fulfilled so Iowa would be a state "the reformers would come from".
Excerpt from "Iowa's Prophetic Journey" Page - 139
Teaching by Apostle Greg Crawford