We encourage individuals to actively engage with their communities, serving and ministering in meaningful ways. Many have stepped into roles of influence, including mayors, city council members, and school board representatives. We believe that every person serves as a gateway for others to encounter God. Our focus is on helping people understand their identity and empowering them to operate from that identity with confidence. Rather than duplicating existing ministries, we inspire individuals to join and contribute to those that align with their passions. Our outreach is organic, driven by personal connections rather than structured programs.

Drive-Thru Prayer
Held in our parking lot at 6000 Douglas Ave in Des Moines, our volunteers make themselves available to the passing car and foot traffic. For those that choose to drive on by get friendly smiles and waves and reminded that God loves them by our handheld signs. For those that choose to stop, they receive the power of prayer and people full of faith standing in agreement over their situation. Our hope is for churches all over our city and state to become inspired to host their own Drive-Thru Prayer. If you would like to know more or get involved click "Contact".