Prophetic Art
We have created a place for artists here at The Base because we value every expression of worship to The Lord. There are art stations and material for artists who like to paint or draw. We have a gallery wall in the hallway to display artist's work. We often display prophetic art created within meetings at the front by the worship pit to share the message of God spoken through the work. You have the freedom here to worship through art and share what he speaks to you through your creativity. You will be given opportunity, equipment, and training in the prophetic arts at The Base. If you are an artist, let us know when you visit! We would be ecstatic to show you the ropes!

"Iowa, the Land between two rivers, the place artists came to see the handiwork and creativity of God. Let's move forward into our future and bring back this same creative flow again into our state. Let us work together to see the Kingdom of God come and 150-year-old mandate of the Iowa Band fulfilled so Iowa would be a state "the reformers would come from".
Excerpt from "Iowa's Prophetic Journey" Page - 139
Teaching by Apostle Greg Crawford
Excerpt from "Iowa's Prophetic Journey" Page - 139
Teaching by Apostle Greg Crawford